Golfer's Edge | The Fitness Advantage

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Consistency Vs. Perfection: Which One Gets RESULTS?

I believe too often in life many of us suffer from an 'all or nothing' mentality.

We are either 'all in' or 'all out'.

Jumping on, then falling off with diet and exercise.

Take the New Years resolution idea as an example.

How many of those health and fitness related resolutions that you made this year have you maintained until now?

I'd take a guess - not many.

Have a read of this quote:

"MOTIVATION is what gets you started. HABIT is what keeps you going."

-- Jim Ryun

What you have at New Year's time is MOTIVATION.

But motivation dwindles.

It ebbs and flows.

For everyone.

Rather than beating yourself up for not being able to maintain your motivation and falling off the wagon ...

What you need are some new HABITS.

But when you start to aim for these HABIT changes, you have to be realistic.

Always remember: nobody is perfect with diet & exercise 100% of the time.

To expect that of yourself invites inevitable failure.

That bar is unreasonably high.

And without good reason.

After all ...

All anyone is after with their diet & exercise efforts is one thing:


(Whatever that means to you - a narrower waistline, more energy to play with your kids, an increase in driving distance or a drop in your handicap).

The key thing here ...

Long-term RESULTS don't require short bursts of PERFECTION.

They demand long stretches of HABIT & CONSISTENCY.

CONSISTENCY with exercise and nutrition will beat occasional bouts of PERFECTION every time.

80 / 20 ... call it what you want.

Make an ACHIEVABLE plan and stick to it 80% of the time.


For the long haul.

Here's an example:

Imagine trying to introduce all 8 of these things at once, on top of your busy job, partner, kids, family, friends, having some downtime etc ...

  1. Increase daily water intake to 3.3% of bodyweight daily (100kg = 3.3 litres)

  2. Eat more protein for breakfast

  3. Cut out your afternoon coffee

  4. Get to bed by 10pm

  5. Start cooking more for dinner and taking healthy protein & veggies leftovers for lunch

  6. Get up early and go to the gym 3 days per week

  7. Stretch and do corrective exercises in the evenings

  8. Go for a walk every lunchtime

Overwhemed yet?

Instead, what if you just aimed for number 1 and number 6 for a few weeks?

More manageable?

Not PERFECT, but I'd bet you could be pretty CONSISTENT with those two.

Build a HABIT.

Leave it 4-6 weeks.

You'll feel amazing and ready to stack on another manageable HABIT.

Motivation and life ebbs and flows.

Nobody is ever PERFECT.

Just work on maintaining & stacking HABITS.

For long-term RESULTS.


Andrew RansomTitleist TPI & C.H.E.K Cert.


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